How do I enable backups in Hatchbox?
We use the Backup gem with a nightly cron job to backup your app's data.
You can turn on backups by visiting the Backups tab and enabling it. By default, we'll backup your database to local disk.
Can I change how often backups run?
Yep. To change how often your backups run, edit /etc/cron.d/APPNAME-backup
and adjust the cron schedule.
How do I change what gets backed up and where?
You can customize your back to do other things like upload to S3 or DigitalOcean Spaces, post notification on completion or failure in Slack or by email, and also backup files if you're doing local file uploads.
Each of these features can be found on the Backup gem's website linked above. Your backup config will have some examples of these options commented out that you can easily enable.
To edit your backup config, you can edit /home/deploy/Backup/models/app_name_underscored
How do I test my backups?
To test your backups, simply run: backup perform -t appname_underscored
Last updated